soo, what's my blog all about?
THE NORM: make up
, girly stuff
, skin care, and more more more 

Im the kind of girl who loves make up
. I believe that make up can change a person and beautify it but no amount of make up can cover an ugly heart
. HAHA! :) (anu daw

and because I have Brown asian skin, I more unto neutrals, gold,nudes, and more of that. :) and YES, I am a Filipino 

i have oily skin which I think is problematic and hard to maintain because of the blotting routine almost every hour(yeah thats how oily i am.) and my acne prone skin which I am still dealing with now. The only good thing i know about having oily skin is that you have that "glow" and dewy skin (but too much is bad cause it makes us look muddy EWW) and less prone to wrinkles 

I'd be posting my thoughts, reviews and tips and more here so stay tuned~! :D
soo, that's it!
see you again on my next blog post!! and dont forget to follow my blog, thanks!